

Duration: We ask for a minimum three-month commitment. Though most clients begin to see breakthrough in days, deeper change does take time. After three months, this contract goes to a month-to-month commitment.
Bob Perry
Bob PerryIntercessor, Mobilizer, Activist, Connector, Coach, Missionary, Entrepreneur, Pastor of Prayer.
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Bob Perry is the founder of Integrative Prayer Solutions and Workplace Prayer, companies that both offer intercession for, and teaches productive prayer to every sphere of culture. A student of prayer for four decades, he constantly seeks to hone his craft, studying not only how people pray, but also constantly asking, “Lord, teach me to pray.” He has led multiple prayer initiatives that have trained and mobilized hundreds of thousands of people in prayer.


Jeremiah 33:3: “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”



Everything That's Included:

Contact: Email or message us requests weekly (or less often, if weekly is too frequent). For any last minute or emergency requests, send an email or text message. We love testimonies and answers, too, so share those with us!

Prayer: Our team offers focused and persistent intercession for all requests, with the expectation of victory, breakthrough, healing, acceleration, and increase.

Communication: On an occasional basis, as we hear or sense something, we will share with you, via either email or voice memo.

Training: Optional: access the monthly group prayer call, for instruction, testimonies, impartation, and Q&As in prayer. Our heart is to upgrade your ability to pray for yourself and your business, and we want to mentor those who are willing.


Matthew 11:11: “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”


Everything That's Included:

Live half hour weekly call with a member of the prayer team, offering targeted intercession for your goals, objectives, and obstacles.

Contact: Email or message us requests weekly (or less often, if weekly is too frequent). For any last minute or emergency requests, send an email or text message. We love testimonies and answers, too, so share those with us!

Prayer: Our team offers focused and persistent intercession for all requests, with the expectation of victory, breakthrough, healing, acceleration, and increase.

Communication: On an occasional basis, as we hear or sense something, we will share with you, via either email or voice memo.

Training: Optional: access the monthly group prayer call, for instruction, testimonies, impartation, and Q&As in prayer. Our heart is to upgrade your ability to pray for yourself and your business, and we want to mentor those who are willing.


Acts 2:41: “Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”


Everything That's Included:

Regular personal discipleship and interaction with Jeff and his prayer team.

Workplace Prayer

let's fight together

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